Getting Help in Linux

Getting Help in Linux

There are various methods for getting help in Linux.

For Graphical environment using yelp we can saw these three man pages.

1 GNU Info notes

2 GNOME graphical documentation

3 Linux System Manual (Man Pages)

Yelp is the Gnome help/documentation browser. It is designed to help you browse all the documentation on your system in one central tool.

Command line help:

-h or –-help

If you are not sure how to use the command use –h option after the command. It will show about the command and the different option available for the command.

$ ls -- help

help in Linux

Man pages

Man command gives the detailed information about the command. You can say man command shows the documentation page of command. It has all the information but in starting you can find a little bit difficult to understand .

$ man ls

Linux manual is divided into sections. Each section man page is relevant to a particular type of information.

There are 9 sections




General commands


System calls


Library functions, covering in particular the C standard library


Special files (usually devices, those found in /dev) and drivers


File formats and conventions


Games and screensavers




System administration commands and daemons


Linux kernel API

we can use specific section help like for passwd command for file format help
$ man 5 passwd


When you are not able to find the required information from the Linux man page, try the info documents using the Linux info command.

$ info sed


The apropos command searches for man pages that contain a phrase, so it’s a quick way of finding a command that can do something. It’s the same thing as running the man -k command.

apropos searches a set of database files containing short descriptions of system commands for keywords and displays the result on the standard output.

$  apropos grep

bzegrep [bzgrep]     (1)  - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression

bzfgrep [bzgrep]     (1)  - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression

bzgrep               (1)  - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression

egrep [grep]         (1)  - print lines matching a pattern

fgrep [grep]         (1)  - print lines matching a pattern

grep                 (1)  - print lines matching a pattern

grepdiff             (1)  - show files modified by a diff containing a regex



It shows a short description about the command.

$ whatis top

top                  (1)  - display Linux tasks

batch and at commands                                                                            File Permissions in Linux

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