FTP Server Installation Steps in Linux

What is VSFTPD?

FTP by itself is not a very secure. Data transmitted in clear text, without encryption so making it subject to interception and theft. Now we have more secure options the Very Secure FTP daemon (vsftpd)

VSFTPD features

  • Virtual IP configurations
  • Powerful per-user configurability
  • Band Width limits
  • Per-source-IP configurability
  • Per-source-IP limits
  • IPv6 compatible
  • Encryption support through SSL integration
  • Very high security requirements
  • Good scalability
  • Virtual users can be created
  • Better than average performance
  • High speed


Installing the VSFTPD in Linux Server

To initiate the installation of the vsftpd package, run the yum command as a root user

# yum install vsftpd

Yum will automatically locate, download and install the latest vsftpd version FTP Server.

For Debian Linux use

# apt-get install vsftpd

You can install using rpm file also

# rpm –ivh rpm-file-name

Running the vsftpd service

To start the service

# service vsftpd start

To stop the service

# service vsftpd stop

To restart the service

# service vsftpd restart

To check the vsftpd status

# service vsftpd status

vsftpd (pid 2636) is running...

Configure to start ftp after reboot

# chkconfig vsftpd on

This command will start vsftpd server automatically after every reboot.

To check on which runlevel ftp will start after reboot

# chkconfig --list vsftpd

vsftpd          0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

it shows on runlevel 2, 3, 4 and 5 ftp will start automatically after every reboot.

Open FTP port in iptables

Open /etc/sysconfig/iptables file

# vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Append following line to open ftp port 21 before REJECT line:

-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 21 -j ACCEPT

Save and close the file. Restart the firewall:

# service iptables restart

Verifying FTP service

You can verify the service is running and listening on the correct port using the following command:

# netstat -tulpn | grep :21
# netstat -a | grep ftp

tcp        0      0 *:ftp                       *:*                         LISTEN

FTP Server configuration file location


FTP Server log file location

# tail -f /var/log/vsftpd.log

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